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Sex and the way we spend time with our loved one are essential parts of our life. Sex and the quality of relationship in a couple depend on each other. Many studies have shown how sex in addition to have very positive impacts on relationships can also improve our overall health and decrease the risk of getting some illness. Also if you have been in a relationship for a while you may have entered the flat or “usual habits” phase. How can you avoid falling into the trap of habits? How can you have the best sex life and thrive in your relationship?
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Imagine a place where all your secret fantasies could be come a reality. A place of mystery, exclusivity and fulfilment. A place that focuses on you, and only you...So, what are you waiting for?..... Find out in this short erotic story.
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A Taste of Cinnamon is the hottest new contemporary romance from author Kate key! Enjoy this little plot: Darcy is a stubborn baker who loves working hard at her possessive bosses bakery. Her daily routine consisted just of making cakes until Toby, the strong and handsome nephew of the owner Lola begins to work alongside her. Suddenly cakes isn’t the only thing rising in the bakery, but tensions too. Though Toby is the whole package, flirty tall and handsome, Darcy is aware that a work romance is wrong. The question that remains is will Darcy be able to love her enemies, or will she fall under Toby’s attractive spell. Will the pair even have a chance to love on the low or will their coworker Drew expose them to Lola before their relationship really has a chance to blossom? Imagine a place where all your secret fantasies could be come a reality. A place of mystery, exclusivity and fulfilment. A place that focuses on you, and only you...So, what are you waiting for?..... Find out in this short erotic story. Scroll up, Click on ‘Buy Now with 1-Click’, and Get Your Copy!

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